Best Places Countries for Americans to Travel to Right Now

Best Places Countries for Americans to Travel to Right Now

1 of the strangest sensations when traveling abroad as an American is the heightened sense of your American-ness. That I'one thousand-from-anywhere accent you lot picked upwardly from '90s sitcoms becomes an invitation for people to guess where you lot're from. Texas? California? When all else fails, and you don't want to explain where Oklahoma Urban center is, just claim to be from Miami, then watch your new friends' eyes become broad. Y'all, my friend, may just exist from the Nearly Interesting Country in the World.

Point of fact, y'all don't even demand to be all that charming to be intriguing. We're #blessed with a solid currency, a language that our colonial forebears took global, and a luminous pop culture that put Michael Hashemite kingdom of jordan jerseys on kids in Buenos Aires and etched Michael Jackson jams into karaoke playlists in Seoul. Your American-ness precedes y'all, often for the amend. So look past what y'all think the world thinks about the United States writ large. When yous're an American abroad, you'll discover warm welcomes many places -- these countries perhaps most of all.

Twelve Apostles in Australia
Twelve Apostles in Australia | ymgerman/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: Aussies are famously welcoming to the travelers they call Yanks, accent in full flair. They appreciate that we besides bailed on the Crown. They volition rib you over how much armor NFL players wear compared to the spare pads of Australian rules footballers. If yous're trying to date at that place, you might find that your exposure to mod American manners goes a long style with Australian women, who are known to mutter about their country's 1960s-vintage gender roles.
Why y'all should go: Hospitality flows through their veins, and Australians are notoriously chill, and then you lot won't go 10 minutes without coming together a new pal. Bulldoze the 150-mile Peachy Bounding main Route, ane of world'south truly epic littoral road trips. Bookend the trip with nights in Adelaide for its swell arts scene and in Melbourne (say information technology: "Melbun") to play or picket cricket. This bulldoze sends a tail between the legs of California's Route 1, and the crusty pub characters you'll meet en route will be unforgettable. Sydney's trendy; dominicus-bleached Brisbane resembles their Miami before ours fell so deeply in love with itself. Although the days of hitchhiking have faded -- when I hitched across Australia years ago to run across AC/DC, almost every ride turned into an on-the-spot backyard barbecue invite -- that trusting, festive spirit lives on. Lagers, fish & chips, and new friends wait. -- Bruce Northam, American Detour



Why they dig Americans: The United States established strong diplomatic relations with Georgia afterward its independence from the Soviet Matrimony in 1991. Since then the two countries have cooperated on trade and security: Later on a 2005 visit from ane of America's smashing international players, the upper-case letter city of Tbilisi defended one of its major avenues, calling it George Due west. Bush St. And so raise a glass to Georgia, which claims to be the birthplace of vino, and which sends us hundreds of thousands of bottles of wine annually.
Why yous should go: For starters, this Due west Virginia-sized former Soviet Republic is naturally stunning, from the Caucasus Mountains in the east to the Black Sea in the due west. Strong US diplomatic ties make it possible to stay in Georgia without a visa for upwards to a year. The electric current exchange charge per unit is in your favor, 2.5 lari to the dollar: 30% stronger than just 3 years ago. There's fifty-fifty an economical index for khachapuri, a national eggy-cheesy-bready comfort food that's been steadily growing in popularity in the The states. The former Soviet land that shares a proper noun with an American state is ripe for a visit. -- Tim Ebner, Thrillist correspondent



Why they dig Americans: Ireland could very well be the 51st state (lo siento, Puerto Rico). The Emerald Island shares many of the aforementioned political and social values that the United States holds true -- and there's a great chance if you're reading this that yous've got some Irish in your background somewhere. Ane person Ireland truly loves to claim: that stealth Irish descendant in the White House, Barack Obama. Aside from enjoying a pint or two during his presidency, President Obama also has directly ties to the Irish village of Moneygall in County Offaly. Drive by and notice a sign proclaiming information technology Obama's ancestral home. In that location'due south even a highway remainder end: Barack Obama Plaza, complete with a 24-hour gas station, Papa John'due south, Tim Hortons, and company center honoring our 44th president.
Why you should go: Because the beer there flows like wine. Cheap flights and strong diplomatic ties make Ireland extremely attainable for Americans -- there'due south even an express line at customs. Desire to extend your trip? Usa citizens can stay for upwardly to 3 months without a visa. -- Tim Ebner, Thrillist contributor

The Buddhist monastery of Diskit in Nubra valley
The Buddhist monastery of Diskit in Nubra valley | Zoltan Szabo Photography/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: Indians are some of the friendliest people you lot'll ever meet, and they're mostly keen to offer upward directions, travel advice, or a helping mitt to anyone -- regardless of nationality. Being so well-versed in English, locals aren't balky to expressing their curiosity, either. It's a cordiality that tin can be pleasantly infectious.

Some other reason to connect is Bharat's burgeoning middle class, speedily beingness exposed to new ideas from abroad. They've got a picayune bit of spending money and they're curious about the West. Whether information technology'south American shopping brands, coffee culture, fast-nutrient chains, or craft beer, India is starting to delve into lots of new concepts -- and they're interested to hear about what's new and trendy back in Illinois or wherever you're escaping.
Why you lot should go: You'll share your civilization, and Indians will be more happy to share theirs. You lot can't become that kind of open, honest commutation just anywhere -- especially in a place so drastically different from the States. Culture shock can exist a welcome jolt.

Besides offering ethereal journeys through Hinduism, ancient customs, and tradition, Bharat serves upwards gorgeous physical surroundings. Look to the ballsy sunsets on Keralan backwaters or Goa'south golden coasts. Or, go to the well-nigh beautiful identify in the globe, as adamant by a Japanese man who traveled the earth direct for 40 years and who offered me this tip at a hostel in Laos: the mountains of Ladakh. Where, it should exist noted, far too few Americans venture. -- Barbara Woolsey, Thrillist contributor

Havana, CUBA
Havana, Cuba | unverdorben jr /

Republic of cuba

Why they dig Americans: Until 2016, any American who made it to Cuba was risking federal charges. And Cuban people respect that. I went there LONG earlier information technology was legal (statute of limitations FTW) and every single Cuban, later asking me if I knew their cousin Yurisleidi in Miami, asked how I got there. So, as at present, they were excited to share their music, family, and food with us, diplomatic impediments be damned. I think they saw us Americans as a blank slate to fill with beautiful images of Cuba and its culture. Literally four dissimilar families invited me to have dinner in their homes. Also, those valuable dollars we bring with us don't hurt.
Why you should go: It is, right now, a surreal otherworld that has barely budged since the 1950s. In Havana people drive (and maintain) cars you've only seen in American Graffiti. The buildings are stunning, if dilapidated. Shows are the sort of cabaret you'd accept seen opening for Ricky Ricardo. Best of all, it'due south been hermetically protected from American franchises, American media, American tech. Merely go out of town, to the beaches of Varadero, and y'all'll also be backstroking through some of the well-nigh beautiful waters in the Caribbean area, with just a fraction of the price or the crowds of other islands. The diving here is pristine, for now. Yous're best served to go presently, before you read that inspiring story well-nigh the showtime Starbucks in Havana. -- Matt Meltzer, Thrillist staff writer

Kofu, Japan
Phattana Stock /


Why they dig Americans: OK, so the survey might say otherwise (a 2015 poll revealed that only 37% of Japanese people remember Americans are honest -- yikes), but in my feel, the Japanese are zero if not graciously patient with, and kind towards, Americans. This is particularly true when you begin examining the niggling pieces of American civilization that have been adopted in pockets across the country. In the Meguro neighborhood of Tokyo, aspiring Japanese cowpokes in Stetsons and Wranglers line-dance to the sounds of Brad Paisley at the Little Texas honky tonk bar. Hula schools and Hawaiian food are honey across the country, with some people dropping wads of cash on appropriate hip-shaking attire. And, lest we forget, one of the greatest traditions for Japanese families on Christmas Day is gobbling down a bucket of KFC. (Yeah, really.)
Why yous should go: For starters, Tokyo is the greatest food urban center in the world (come at me well-nigh this: seriously, I dare you), only there'due south so much more to explore outside the glittery high-rises of Shinjuku. The Japanese countryside, whether trekking up into the mountains or headed towards the beach, is its own special brand of charming, and here, running into an American is -- for many Japanese -- an unexpected treat. I one time met several octogenarians on an island in the Seto Inland Ocean whose faces lit up when I told them that, non merely was I American, simply I loved jazz. Stevie Wonder might be onto something with this whole music-every bit-a-language thing. -- Sarah Baird, Thrillist contributor

Banff National park, Canada
Banff National park, Canada | Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: America's snowshoeing northern neighbors can exist polite to the point of stand-offishness. But they know Americans as brash, passionate, and warm, if amusingly clueless about Canadian culture. While the ii countries share a lot of common ground -- i.e., easy foundation for friendship -- idiosyncrasies abound. Thus you've got plenty of room for teasing, banter, AND politically engaged conversations.
Why you should go: Moving picture Alaska, only bigger. The vast country is crammed full of natural wonders even beyond the rush and roar of Niagara Falls or the ethereal northern lights every bit you near the Arctic. Observe solace in thick pine forests while gazing at the snowcapped Rockies at Banff National Park, or head to Tofino in British Columbia to watch for the arc of a humpback whale as you surf. Canada's home to the best skiing and snowboarding on the continent at Whistler Blackcomb, and some spectacular wine country just across the edge from Washington. To do the scenery justice, volume a cantankerous-country railroad train trip and soak in the surface area of the prairies or the serrated majesty of the Rockies. You lot'll be surrounded by friendly Canadians proud to show off their home, and eager to ask what the hell is going on in the Usa -- considering that e'er, always bears explaining. -- Laura Yan, Thrillist correspondent

St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow
St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow | Savvapanf Photo/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: Considering Donald Trump and Putin are BFFs, of course. Simply kidding! (Sorta.) As relations betwixt the US and Russia have thawed, frozen upwardly, and repeated again, advert nauseam, Americans themselves have become something of a fascination over yonder. While opinions of our nation are infamously low among the Slavs, there's a certain level of respect reserved for a Yank spotted taking a selfie in Reddish Square later an onerous and bureaucratic visa process. Oh yes, plus, they love our money.
Why you should go: It's a gorgeously bleak and mysterious land. Plus, it'southward a big ol' party. Vodka is, duh, the name of the game, sipped at room temp at lunchtime and swirled into cocktails during late, late-night clubbing. When I made the voyage to Moscow and St. Pete, the Russians who had a command of English language -- a fairly rare feat, Cyrillic being a different alphabet -- were fascinated by what I could tell them of Female parent USA and, boy, is it fun to barter with them (for cab rides, Russian dolls, ballet tickets, and pretty much everything under the clouds). The trip is as well great for adrenaline junkies. I saw two dead bodies while I was there: some guy in a staircase, and Lenin. Note: I'grand a direct, white male person. People of colour may be treated less favorably and members of the LGBTQ community should be conscientious about their PDA. That does suck. Just you actually gotta run across the vodka aisle in the grocery shop. -- Colin St. John, Thrillist contributor

Wat Prajomklao Rachanusorn
Wat Prajomklao Rachanusorn | Have Photograph/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: To understand Thailand and America's tight ties, go dorsum to the Vietnam War. Thailand struggled with insurgencies that were emboldened by the Communist advances in neighboring countries, and formed a partnership with usa. Thousands of American soldiers were deployed around Thailand. For a country that had never been colonized, it meant an entirely new and determinative contact with the West.

Those days were by no means happy-go-lucky (remember prostitution and narcotics use, plus we all know what happened in 'Nam). But they laid the foundation for Thais to get used to Americans who kept traveling over through the years. I of Bangkok's most legendary figures was a Delaware-born businessman named Jim Thompson, who helped revitalize the country's silk manufacture in the '50s and '60s. His former home, at present a museum, is one of the capital letter's well-nigh beloved attractions.
Why you should go: If you haven't been to Thailand yet, your FOMO is totally warranted. Sure, fifty-fifty your fifth-grade teacher has probably been to Phuket by now, but off the tourist-beaten paths, Thailand has plenty more to explore. The eastern islands such equally Koh Mak and Trang take handsome, sprawling beaches with far less traffic than the s. Or, heading due north, y'all'll find the likes of Lampang and Loei, misty mount towns that are sleepier than pop Chiang Mai. -- Barbara Woolsey, Thrillist correspondent

Caye Caulker, Belize
Caye Caulker, Belize | LMspencer/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: A) Nosotros speak English and carry American dollars in our wallets. B) We aren't the British, their onetime overlords. C) If you're an American in Belize (and not sequestered in some fancy resort), chances are you're a pretty cool cat. Commonalities spring outward from at that place. Belize tin often feel like an even chiller extension of Southern California: diverse, laid-back, and always ready to eat some killer fish.
Why you should go: It's a overnice picture of what your life could've been if you had shirked all responsibleness and went firmly for the "no worries" lifestyle (aka what y'all probably should've done). The small nation can feel similar thousands of Wailers embrace bands decided to populate it and, damn, that's corking. When I went in high school for an immersion trip, the people couldn't have been more welcoming, specially when they were passing usa Belikin beers that we couldn't have consumed at that age stateside. Go sunburnt snorkeling around the Belize Barrier Reef and head to a bar in Dangriga for a Panty Ripper (coconut rum and pineapple juice). The inevitable reply when you ask what the moniker of the drinkable means: "When the ladies drink 'em, they rip their panties right off!" Y'all meliorate Belize it. -- Colin St. John, Thrillist contributor

Brecon Beacons National park in Wales
Brecon Beacons National park in Wales | skyearth/Shutterstock


Why they dig Americans: Insofar as the English sneer at Wales (eyeing information technology as an unfortunate industrial backyard) and condescend to Americans, the Welsh side with united states Yanks. The Welsh capeesh our low-key antagonism toward the English, cuz let's face up it, the English are pros at busting American balls.
Why y'all should go: Stress cannot keep pace with a hike through Wales. Endeavour the 200-mile expedition beyond Wales declension-to-declension along Offa'south Dyke, the great dirt wall conceived in the eighth century by King Offa of Mercia. The immense earthen barrier, intended to go along the Welsh out of England, eventually became the border between England and Wales. (Former grudges die hard. Quite a few English and Welsh folks still eye each other warily.) Atop the long, curving ridge of Brecon Beacons National Park, you'll run across the wildflowering valleys below were pardoned by the Industrial Revolution, yet the gorgeous stone walls and homes along the way exemplify one of the rare occasions where humans have managed to amend natural scenery. As you make it in villages at night, locals volition bespeak you to a B&B (or you tin can book ahead; various services will transport your baggage from boondocks to boondocks). You tin can also try out Welsh, their ancient, notwithstanding-thriving linguistic communication: Rydw i yna yn barod. ("I'm already in that location.") Recall, the roaming gene should not become out-selected over time. When you lot're done playing nature boy, become mix ales with flirting in Wales' merry upper-case letter, Cardiff. -- Bruce Northam, American Detour

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Best Places Countries for Americans to Travel to Right Now

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