Whats the Pros and Cons of the Tree Types of Airsoft Guns

Whats the Pros and Cons of the Tree Types of Airsoft Guns

Airsoft weapon types

There are many different Airsoft Replica's and if you just getting started into Airsoft, information technology can be difficult to know what the all-time Replica's are and which one should be avoided.

Earlier nosotros dive in to all kinds of fantastic features information technology'southward important to gain a broader cognition to finally succeed in choosing the right Replica with suits your (beginners) level. Note: In Airsoft we call our weapons Replica'southward and not guns!

1. Airsoft guns and their Main categories

In the Airsoft sport we recognize different kind of Replica's.  All Replica'due south have of course their own pros and cons. I could understand that, when you are about to starting time with Airsoft, y'all have a lot of questions on how to choose your Replica. What did I plant out while I was looking for my showtime Replica? I would similar to requite you all the information you demand to go started and brand a skillful choise!

In Airsoft nosotros specify guns acording to their firing mechanism.The master categories are:

  1. Leap Powered
  2. Gas powered
  3. Electrical powered
  4. HPA – High powered air

We likewise categorize guns by their specific purpose on the battlefield. An airsofter can play different roles on the battlefield. For example the role of a support gunner, support leader, a squat leader etc..
Existence a back up gunner requires different gear than a squat leader. The dissimilar gun categories are:

  • Rifles
  • Smg's
  • Pistols
  • Snipers
  • Shotguns

We will covering gun classes later. Now we await at the main categories co-ordinate to their firing mechanism. We are convinced that learning the basics is important to gain that strong foundation which is necessary to build on your decision foundation.

1.1 Gas Powered Replica's

A Gas powered Replica is something yous really want to accept if you lot beloved this sport. This is because the sound and feel is similar a existent gun! But, earlier you are getting too exited, here is some of import information you need to know before buying this one.

As I said, this replica has a great look and feel. It uses highly pressurized gas causing a loud noise. That makes information technology real! Some types – as well know as the GBB – are semi automatically through a blowback feature. Dark-green gas ( a mixture of of propane and silicon oil) or CO2 is being used. That's directly causing the main disadvantage of this replica. Tempertures below xv degrees volition heavilly afflicted the operation of this replica. The loss of power is direct correlated with the outside temperture. Why? considering Green Gas stored in information technology's liquid grade need to be converted into gas. That requires estrus. And then the colder the exterior temperture, the more difficult the conversion.

Information technology's not simply the exterior temperature that is causing depression performance. What's besides lowering the performance is the utilise of the full car mode. Using the full auto mode will tiresome downwardly your gas replica. After a short outburst the gas is depressurized to fire the BB'due south and that'southward causing a drib of ca. 15 degrees what volition slowering your gas replica.

highly pressurized gas , loud noises,, using compressed gas, semi autoamtically through a blowback characteristic , greenish gas a mixture of propane and silicon oil, or Co2. Expensive, heavily afflicted past weather condition conditions, with ability loss directly correlated with the outside temperture, greenish gas stored in information technology'southward liquid form to be converted to gas information technology required heat. the colder the more hard the conversion.

using full car style will slowering your gas replica. that's because of the temperature inside the gun that drops around 15 degrees after a brusk flare-up after the gas is depressurized to burn the BB'southward.

Furthermore, this replica is expensive, and magazines first to leak over time. That's why yous ever need actress O rings!

The conclusion is that this blazon of replica are considered best for intermediate shooters and not for the beginner!

ane.ii Electric Airsoft Guns

The electric Airsoft Gun is the almost seen Airsoft Replica on the field. This is by far the almost user friendly replica for the beginner. Let'southward dive in to the mechanism of the AEG and as we did on the gas powered replica.

The regular electric gun has a setup of gears, which are powered past the motor inside the gun. Those gears then pull the piston assembly against the jump and when the trigger is squeezed, said assembly is released which in turn propels your BB out of your gun muzzle. So the electric gun is nada more than a springer with an electric motor, and what you lot normally do with a regular spring powered – pulling the trigger – the AEG does it for y'all, using the motor.* airsoftpal.com

Due to the utilize of an electric motor, which operates the jump, both automatic and semi-automatic burn down tin be achieved.  How practise they actually shot in semi-car? what controls this is this little piece under the sector gear and it's called the cutoff lever.  The cutoff lever is attached to a small spring. On the outside ofttimes the gun you can regulate automatic or semi-automated. Maybe too technical but later on-on I volition write an article about how replica's can shoot semi-automatic. The power to put your replica on semi-automatic is the reason why this replica is also called Automatic Electrical Gun.

An AEG tin reach a muzzle velocity of upward to 650 ft/s or 185 yard/south.
The electric motor is powered by rechargeable batteries. On this moment I don't know exactly what kind of batteries. On the moment I wrote this article I was wondering what kind of batteries to employ. perchance nosotros find out later on. For now it's of import for you to get the information for choosing the right Replica…

The advantage of the AEG confronting the gas powered replica is the ability to use this replica in all kind of weather condition atmospheric condition. The disadvantage of a gas gun is the deterioration of the output ability when weather conditions changes. More often than not below x-fifteen degrees. Furthermore the power of the gas gun may deteriorate due to the level of gas left in the mag. Battery powered guns like the AEG practice not suffer from this issue. Of Course…. The charge of the battery will go downward but that has non a highly impact on the output power. Maybe your charge per unit of fire may have a hitting…

In brusque the advantages of an Automated Electric Gun:

  • much more weather resistant than a Gas powered Replica
  • powered by rechargeable batteries
  • reliable
  • enough power to compete with on the battelfield
  • userfriendly
  • attainable
  • relatively low purchase price
  • magazines are relatively cheap
  • like shooting fish in a barrel to upgrade/downgrade
  • a lot of types and models
  • a lot of knowledge out at that place
  • easy maintenance

Finally, the replica's with Specna Artillery or One thousand&G brand are adept platform choices.

Are there no disadvantages? Unfortunately yeah, but rarely to find. The disadvantages I could detect:

  • Sound is non realistic (enough)
  • lilliputian blow back feel (solution is a EBB – Electric Blow Back)
  • too many choices…?

The solution for the little blowback is choosing another brand. Some brands similar  Tokyo Marui Schock line or the KWA Electric recoil gun and the Bolt recoil schock system give that experience of a blow back.

1.3 Jump Powered / Commodities Action Airsoft Replica

this replica blazon is unsuitable for the Airsoft beginner.

the spring powered mechanism is oft used on sniper rifles and shotguns because a sniper is not automatic in reality also.

This replica blazon is non used very ofttimes.

use powerful springs to propel their armament at speeds of 150 FPS (pistols) to 800 FPS (snipers)

don't get obsessed most FPS and don't take information technology over the top with it. It'south not like upgrading your computer and place another (actress) processor in your computer! Airsoft is more than the FPS output on a gun! Of form the higher the FPS the faster the velocity of your BB'south but it will not give y'all an enormous advantage! It tin can also cost you hundreds of dollars to upgrade only you end up with a broken gun of it will have to exist repaired regularly. It'due south your choise…

The mechanism is very similar to the Automatic Electrical Gun. how does it piece of work? You cock your gun, pulling the piston into the jump guide and confronting the bound, and squeeze the trigger which releases the compressed jump and sends your BB flight*. Information technology's because of the similar inner workings that an spring powered gun can compete with an Automatic Electric Gun. It tin't compete with a gas powered gun considering they have more shooting power.

Because of the transmission operation, 90% of spring guns are either pistols, sniper rifles or shotguns. A spring powered assault rifle would be crazy… The way spring powered guns have been made makes it unpractical of being semi-automatically of automatically.

Spring powered guns are not affected by weather conditions. While a gas powered gun nether perform with rain or snowfall or cold weather weather condition, and electric guns need to be inverse batteries, the spring powered gun don't rely on an external source of power.

Is this bound powered replica useful for the beginner? Yes it is. their low prices and reliability makes it useful merely for combat purposes I would't recommend to buy a spring powered replica. Their low rate of fire (ROF) and weak performance and short range makes them easy to beat…

And so why practise some snipers accept a jump if that causes a low range? Well, it is a competitive ane against other replica's considering of their low toll, light weight, versatility in different conditions conditions and maintenance makes it a solid choice if you like solidity!

In short the advantages and disadvantages:


  • low purchase price
  • simpel straight forrad mechanism
  • light-weight
  • not affected by weather conditions
  • No bug with lowering batteries charge or used up gas magazine


  • Difficult to repair due to a lack of standard manufacturing practices
  • Plastic parts are fragile
  • Depression rate of fire
  • Curt range (weak performance)

Conclusion: I recollect information technology could be a choice for a beginner although I all the same would recommend an AEG.

ane.4 High pressure Airsoft Guns

The HPA becomes extremely popular because the FPS (speed in anxiety per second) and ROF (Rate of Fire) tin can be changed easily for different field  regulations as well as they provide consequent reliable shots. The downside is that they require an external air tank much like you see on paintball guns. In additions they are extremely expensive when compared to AEG and fifty-fifty some GBB'due south.

"The HPA is a a blazon of pneumatic Airsoft weapon that use externally supplied loftier pressure  air.

How does the HPA piece of work?

HPA works through the controlled release of compressed air. In an AEG you tin expect a gearbox to actuate a piston which in turn compresses  air that's released downwardly the barrel to project your BB. In a Co2 Airsoft Replica the gas is stored in a compressed land within a vessel and expelled down the butt to projection your BB.

The HPA works past using a carve up high pressure air thank that is connected to the Airsoft Replica with a hose, which is connected with a pneumatic motor inside the gun at where the gearbox would be in a normal electric Airsoft Replica. The engine is powered by a a burn control unit of measurement that can suit to the desired rate of burn besides as the dwell that determines how much air is released with each individual shot.

In HPA the concepts are very much the same: Like green gas, duster or CO2 the gas is stored pre-compressed and many pneumatic HPA engines part very similarly to gas blow dorsum rifles – indeed, in many cases HPA tin can be used to power a lot of existing GBB  (Gas Accident Back) and GBBRs (Gas Blow Dorsum Rifles) only later more on that.

The HPA Rig – the functional outside parts

The HPA Rig (all the functional exterior parts that a user needs to combine to get that HPA piece of work) is comprised of three seperate parts. The seperate parts are:

  1. The bottle
  2. The regulator
  3. The line

HPA Rig – The Bottle

The bottle contains with highly compressed gas. We distinguish ii types of bottles with different pressure: 1) 3000 psi (= pounds per square inch = aprox. 206 bar!) and 4500 psi (aprox. 310 bar!).

The 3000 psi bottles tend to exist fabricated from aluminum while the 4500 bottles are mostly made from carbon burn down. How do you lot know how much pressure your bottle produce? Well, you can recongnize the pressure rate on the shape of the canteen. The 4500 psi bottles have more than rounded corners while the 3000 psi bottles have more foursquare edges.

very give thanks has a bottle regulator. The regulator controls the output of the canteen so that the bodily regulator can deal with the incoming menstruation. Different regulators work with dissimilar input pressures. That's why some complex issues appear similar Super Low Pressure (300 psi) while others accept an output of 450 psi. That mode you take a great disadvantage on the battlefield. The complexity of this regulator makes it interesting to write another article but almost the HPA external system.

The bottle regulator has 3 key features:

  1. An interface what is called the ASA on the regulator or line. These threads have one or two seals to ensure proper air -tight arrangement.
  2. Refilling: A standard paintball fill up nipple will aid to ease refill you bottle.
  3.  Burst disks: It's a key prophylactic feature to regulate the pressure level inside the bottle. If the pressure is too loftier or the bottle is overfilled then this regulator volition prevent sending a loftier pressure to the residual of the HPA organisation.

Their exist 2 burst disks: The HPA flare-up disk and the LP outburst disk.

HPA Flare-up Disk: This one is created for bottles with 3000-4500 psi bottles. These tanks ten to use 5000 psi and 7500 psi HP burst disks

LP Flare-up Disk: This 1 blows when the tank is outputting a pressure college than it should be. A high force per unit area could damage your regulator or replica.

In full general the Burst Disk should foreclose your replica from a too high pressure reaching your replica's internal mechanism. It'south really safely vent the air.

HPA Rig – The Regulator

The regulator has 2 main functions. Nosotros before spoke well-nigh lowering the pressure on the bottle regulator. Well, this is i of the principal functions of the regulator: to farther step down the pressure of the air to a usable psi and to do so in a way that means during intense use the gun doesn't become starved for air.* That point of being starved for air is the refresh point. If you have a regulator with a college refresh rate then it is suitable for air-hungry guns. Maybe I get in to more detail near these guns after.

The regulator has also a function to quick disconnect (QD'due south) the line for freedom of movement. This will prevent you from breaking the line when you move through a small space with the take a chance of getting hooked somewhere. Most regulator are piece of cake adjustable. You are able to regulate the range of output between 30 psi to 160 psi.

HPA Rig – line

The line connects the gun to the regulator is chosen a air hose. The length of the line varies but almost are betwixt 24″ en 46″ that is (50cm – 116cm) with a corresponding bore between 3mm – 6mm. The psi rate of about lines is 200 psi up to 3000 psi. Some replica's can handle more than psi. Those guns accept mostly an internal regulator and so the air hasn't been depressed.

I've seen coiled, braided and normal looking condom tubing lines. About airsoft lines are 36″(91 cm) and take an inner bore of 6mm and have an output of 200 psi  and are braided.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The near widely known advantage of the HPA is not being sensitive for low temperatures
  • A better range accurateness than the AEG
  • makes a different racket and therefore recognizable


  • carrying a bottle on your back which give yous some limitations on your movements
  • Daytona (fully pneumatic) need to wear out in society to feel full functionality
  • HPA without recoil (the backward movement of a gun when it is discharged) is more than expensive than the AEG
  • you take to rack an HPA while changing the magazine
  • The line volition slow you down because yous need to exist careful to not get hooked somewhere. A solution for that is to complect the line through my vest and paracord around the line for some cover-up
  • Regular refilling the botttle but with a 2x 0.8l bottle you can play the whole day. Also more and more locations take a filling station…

ii. What are the popular brands?

Popular HPA brands and engines include polar star (fusion Engine, F1, jack), Wolverine (hydra, Bolt, inferno, wraith, smp), Valken (V12),  and Tippmann (M4 Carbine).

The HPA version of Tipmann seems to be very expert.Why? No trouble with the setup of the gearbox, limitations of fps, empty batteries and other electric bug.

Widely known brands are Plarstar, Wolverine, Daytona, Tippman.

It is besides recognized as the air force per unit area blazon of the GBB.

After I would similar to extend this article because there is so much more to discuss. Delight let me know if you have any suggestions!


* some excelent description so I employ this data from airsoftpal.com
* I learned a lot near HPA from this site: www.airsoft-forums.uk

Whats the Pros and Cons of the Tree Types of Airsoft Guns

Posted by: kircherbeficest.blogspot.com

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