Tropical Fish Keeping Uk Shop

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Aquariums &

Fish Keeping

We have years of expertise on all matters of indoor fish-keeping and can help advise you on how best to set & maintain a salubrious aquarium.  With over 160 aquariums of tropical, marine, coldwater fish and freshwater shrimp we are sure you will find something suitable for your tank.

Our sales tanks are individually filtered to mirror the weather in your home aquaria, ensuring perfect acclimatisation for your fish. We offer a five day guarantee on all indoor fish, inverts and shrimps discipline to a water exam beingness brought in so that we can check your parameters and ensure they are suitable.

All of our fish are sourced in the UK and are quarantined before they make it in shop ensuring your purchase is in the all-time condition possible.

Whatever fish we do non stock we will happily club in for you.

Join Our Fish Order!
For a small joining fee y'all will receive x% off whatever fish purchase, this includes all tropical and cold water fish, marine fish, inverts, corals and freshwater shrimp.
Plus you will also receive our monthly newsletter which covers new products, tips and tricks and whatever special promotions we are running.

What fish do we stock?...

Tropical Fish & Aquatic Plants
With over 150 dissimilar species of tropical fish in stock you are sure to find something you absolutely must have!  We have weekly deliveries of fish and plants so you lot volition always find a adept pick.

All fish are bagged with oxygen, and so a 5 hour journeying in a warm car is non a problem.

Nosotros are e'er pleased to advise on the compatibility of species and to assist beginners get-go up an aquarium or assist experienced fish keepers with issues.

We offer free water tests as function of our delivery to successful fish keeping.

We stock a first-class range of aquatic plants including Anubias, Amazon Swords, Vallisneria and Cabomba plus a few female parent plants as well.

Marine Fish, Inverts & Corals
We stock a broad range of marine fish, corals and inverts along with live rock and anemones. Regulars in our stock tanks are Chromis, Damselfish, Clownfish and Caribbean Anemones. Regular deliveries ensure we e'er have a practiced selection and can social club anything in you may desire.
We also have marine aquariums, test kits & treatments available.

Common clownfish
Freshwater Shrimp

Freshwater Shrimp
Now well established in the indoor fish-keeping hobby, shrimp keeping has become incredibly popular and it's like shooting fish in a barrel to see why.  All-time suited to a species tank these lilliputian fellas are fascinating to watch.  We have many tanks prepare up with shrimp, and then come and meet them.
Shrimp demand specific water parameters for optimum health and nosotros tin help you if y'all are looking to setup your beginning shrimp tank, or add together to an existing i.

Coldwater Fish
These fish are ideal starter fish for someone new to the hobby or perfect for kids.  Choose from black moors, fantails, pearlscales, white cloud mountain minnows or but a expert erstwhile goldfish, we accept the fish for you. Who says you need to be tropical to exist fancy!

Black Moor Fish
Male Blue Ram tropical fish

Aquariums, Accessories & New Ranges

Nosotros stock an excellent range of aquariums including small-scale starter tanks, marine tanks, shrimp tanks and large tanks with dedicated stands, for lounge, kitchen or bedroom.  The majority are piece of cake to ready up, and we can help advise you how.
Our store has a total complement of fish foods, filters, pumps and treatments.
We also stock a range of tank decor, gravels, constructed & real plants, tank backing, bogwood and dragonstone.
Our friendly knowledgeable staff are always on hand to respond any questions y'all may have and don't forget we offer complimentary water testing for your peace of heed.

Fluval M90 Reef Complete Setup
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Juwel Wooden Indoor Aquariums


Indoor Aquarium Equipment


Wooden Indoor Aquariums

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Our Pet Licence No. is: AWL0011

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